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GameDev Dustin
Dustin Spears
Starship Cinematic Demonstration
Scene design, layout, & prop placement using third party 3D models within the Unity game engine
Implemented post processing, including local and global volumes
Custom implementation of starship controller that includes both first-person and third-person view perspectives driven by Unity's Cinemachine asset
Used Unity's Timeline asset to script assorted cinematic events
Once triggered, the opening and closing of jump gate & portal, complete with visual effects (VFX)
Several mining ships that travel from asteroids to the space station and back to mining
A non-player controlled starship that travels from the space station's dock to the portal, triggering its activation and visual effects, and then jumping out of scene
Imported and implemented 3D model assets from multiple providers
Customized the player's starship asset by adding a complete cockpit from separate asset vendors on the Unity Asset Store
Added additional 3D assets (lights) to the starship model
Implemented thrusters using particle visual effects (VFX) on player ship
Configured starship wing's animations to be connected to player input when activating thrust
Modified a third party Skybox asset to include planets and sun in the distance using GIMP
Scripted game logic with C# in Jetbrains Rider integrated development environment (IDE)
Game state, scene loading, player input with Unity's Legacy Input System, triggers, and more

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