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Starship Cinematic Demonstration

  • Scene design, layout, & prop placement using third party 3D models within the Unity game engine

    • Implemented post processing, including local and global volumes​

  • Custom implementation of starship controller that includes both first-person and third-person view perspectives driven by Unity's Cinemachine asset

  • Used Unity's Timeline asset to script assorted cinematic events

    • Once triggered, the opening and closing of jump gate & portal, complete with visual effects (VFX)

    • Several mining ships that travel from asteroids to the space station and back to mining

    • A non-player controlled starship that travels from the space station's dock to the portal, triggering its activation and visual effects, and then jumping out of scene

  • Imported and implemented 3D model assets from multiple providers

    • Customized the player's starship asset by adding a complete cockpit from separate asset vendors on the Unity Asset Store

    • Added additional 3D assets (lights) to the starship model​​​​

  • Implemented thrusters using particle visual effects (VFX) on player ship

  • Configured starship wing's animations to be connected to player input when activating thrust

  • Modified a third party Skybox asset to include planets and sun in the distance using GIMP 

  • Scripted game logic with C# in Jetbrains Rider integrated development environment (IDE)

    • Game state, scene loading, player input with Unity's Legacy Input System, triggers, and more

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